A Mummy Makeover Surgery MANCHESTER is a common name for a combination of breast operation with tummy tuck. The effects of pregnancy , childbirth and breast feeding can be different for each individual. A surgical treatment can help in getting back the confidence. Mummy makeover generally involves a breast enlargement or breast uplift or both and a full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck. These are performed mostly to improve post pregnancy changes. This procedure has substantially increased in popularity. A full tummy tuck removes skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightens the six pack muscles and might involve liposuction to the flanks to give better shape. A mini tummy tuck is a good option if there is not a lot of excess skin to remove, and the patient is interested in minimising a bulging lower abdomen.A mummy makeover procedures gives the advantage of getting most of post pregnancy changes addressed and minimising the recovery time and getting back to pre-pregnancy shape.